An interactive e-book specifically designed for the first year dental hygiene/dental student. Students begin learning the types, design characteristics and technique of the three assessment instruments, the Mirror, the Probe and the Explorer. Additional chapter sections address when and how a particular instrument is used in alternative situations. This book contains a responsive interface with actionable features such as movies, pictures, galleries, word searches, quizzes, and worksheets that engage and ensure the students success. Additional links to a webpage offers additional resources.
Chapter 1: The Mirror | |
Chapter 2: The Probe | |
Chapter 3: The Explorer | |
Janet Weber, M. Ed , worked in dental hygiene for 35 years as a clinician and educator, the last 11 years as Clinical Coordinator for first year dental hygiene students at two different dental hygiene programs. Janet was very active in various leadership roles within the American Dental Hygiene Association, including President at the state level. Though retired now from clinical dental hygiene, Janet authored a chapter in a dental hygiene text book and continues her writing.